The best way to create change is to start a conversation with those around you. In a survey we conducted among college students, we found that that nearly all participants believed it was time to change the phrase "Boys will be Boys"- so we asked them to create their own
Year: 2020
Major: Sociology
What do you think of when you hear the phrase "Boys will be boys"?
"I think it’s used to excuse guys doing horrible stuff- they’ll do some really creepy sexual assault type stuff and they’ll just say that’s how boys are instead of trying to fix the problem of toxic masculinity- it’s ignoring it."
Do you think there is a male equivalent to slut shaming?
"Not in the sense that men are shamed for having sex, but the closest to it would be guys being shamed for not having sex. They’re expected to be sleeping with girls all the time, and can get made fun of for being a virgin."
Year: 2020
Major: Finance and Economics
What do you think of when you hear the phrase "locker room talk"?
"When people hear 'locker room talk', a lot of people think it’s only about girls and stuff, but for me it was always about practice or tests and school. Only a little bit was about girls. I participated in it, but I didn’t mean it- I was in the closet at the time and did not feel like I could tell them I was gay, even though I did feel included. Going to an all-boys school made it a little different too."
Do you think "locker room talk" can be a gateway to sexual assault?
"Yeah, because it can promote some really bad sexual things- it can be a gateway to rape. It’s important to change the conversation."
Year: 2021
Major: Psychology
What do you think of when you hear the phrase "Boys will be boys"?
"I think people use it as a term to excuse behavior that is inexcusable...I don’t like that phrase because I think people use it as a way of thinking that things are inevitable and it can’t changed when it can."
What kinds of things do you think women talk about in women’s locker rooms?
"I think men use the seclusion of locker room to discuss things they wouldn’t out in the open, things that are sexual, girls, etc.. Women just discuss day to day things. I don't think you can excuse the truth. You don’t hear anyone saying “girls will be girls” to excuse anything."
Year: 2020
Major: Finance
What do you think about the phrase "Boys will be boys"?
"I think boys will be boys is more used to describe the dumb stuff more than an excuse for sexual assault. That’s the way I have always seen it. I think the media has turned it into something else, so that the younger generation will see that phrase differently. I think everything has changed since Donald Trump has gotten elected. If he had not been elected I don't think “boys will be boys” would have a sexual connotation."
What do you think are some misconceptions about people in fraternities?
"I think a lot of times people think frat brothers are looking to have sex with as many people as possible. In reality, a lot of brothers have girlfriends, and I’d say 95% of them are loyal"
Year: 2021
Major: Environmental Science
What do you think of when you hear the phrase "locker room talk"?
"I don't really have any personal experiences with locker room talk so I can’t speak to it personally, but I think of the stereotypical stuff from TV with guys talking about girls in a nasty's definitely influenced by the media"
Do you think there is a male equivalent to slut shaming?
"No. I feel like the whole idea of slut shaming is to belittle women and make men feel more powerful- it’s degrading. Since men are historically more powerful and less discriminated against, there’s been nothing in culture to make a male slut shaming."
Year: 2020
Major: Psychology and Communications
What do you think of when you hear the phrase “Boys will be boys”?
"My mom used to say that when I was a kid and I broke something or came inside from playing outside and had gotten my clothes really dirty. I think it plays on negative male stereotypes of carelessness and recklessness. It should definitely be reappropriated."
Is there a male equivalent to slut shaming?
"Yes, there are two sides to everything."
Year: 2021
Major: Public Health
What kinds of things do you talk about and hear in women’s locker rooms?
"We mainly ask how each others days went and how we are feeling. Occasionally people will talk about issues they're having with boys or relationships but not really all that often. Sometimes people will talk about parties as well."
What kinds of things do you think men talk about in locker rooms?
"I imagine they talk about who they've had sex with and all the details as well as drinking and parties."
Year: 2021
Major: Biology
What do you think of when you hear the phrase "locker room talk"?
"The first things that comes to mind is boy being disgusting, in a crude, sexual manner. For example, the common themes include, how many women they slept with, what have they done with women, proving their masculinity, and honestly just very vulgar language that they know they cant say in public."
Do you think pop culture perpetuates locker room talk?
"Yes. Because it's like the chicken in the egg. Boys learn how to talk how they do because they learn from the media what's 'cool', and the media is going to portray what boys actually sound like, so one just affects the other."